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Weather Station Rain Guage Accessory

The IDA-5001-2 Rain Guage Accessory is a generic unit designed to measure rainfall in inches or centimeters and displays the rainfall on the digital readout of the ID-5001 Heathkit Advanced Weather Computer. These are brand new units.

The sensor unit uses a dipper assembly to magnetically actuate a reed switch. The number of switch closings is then registered on the readout. You can mount the sensor on a roof, post, or platform attached to an antenna tower.

This sensor is manufacuted by the same company that made the original rain sensors for Heathkit. This is a new mechanical design as the older one is no longer supported. It is electrically identical to the older design and works with all of the older Heathkit readout units, including the ID-5001.

This is Heathkit's original part number IDA-5001-2.

If you still have the older non-functional rain guage, contact us about an exchange discount.

$65.00 Plus Shipping & Sales Tax*

* 8.75% Ca Sales tax applicable to any shipments to California